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Text articles, Newsflash, Videos & Podcast regarding trade marks, designs & patents

I have compiled a wealth of interesting content and information regarding trade marks, designs and patents for you free of charge. Whether video, podcast or text articels: I prepare relevant topics for you on the following pages, sometimes together with colleagues:

YouTube-Channel @patentanwalt

with many practical topics and explanations, e.g.: UPC Opt-Out Explained in Detail, New Standard for IP Management DIN 77006, Patents as a Financial Tool for Businesses.

Podcast IP Fridays

by Rolf Claessen & Kenneth Suzan with more than 150 episodes with interviews with expert interviewees from the fields of brands, designs and patents (in English)

IP Newsflash

with the latest news on trade marks, designs and patents, compiled on my website


with an overview of articles, lectures, television appearances and much more.